opinions and feelings

Uzma Khan Nisa (Second from right) is our 5** achiever; She is a refined youth studying in Hong Kong University at present. She often recalls that Liberal Studies teachers were her inspiration.

Outstanding HKDSE results

The academic results of school year 2016-17 was outstanding to the point where our department was able to produce our first level 5**, one level 5*, four level 5 and nine level 4 students. A lot of appreciation goes to the colleagues who have worked very hard and tirelessly to produce these results.

We will continue taking a proactive role to facilitate students to achieve satisfactory public exam results.

2017年7 月的文憑試放榜是本科的大豐收。我們有第一位摘5**的同學,也有一位同學取得5*,四位5級及九位4級,可說是成績斐然。同學們一直醉心學問,奮發上進,有目共睹,但老師孜孜不倦的備課、教學及補課也是主因。


As time went by, I learnt different life skills and morals lessons through the interactive and fun lessons by group discussion and debates.


Lareb, Graduate of 19-20

In LS, you learn, you think, then you come up with your own opinions and judgments. Its really interesting because memorizing everything doesn’t guarantee you a good grade. You really have to THINK, which gives you plenty of space for imagination.




Marjan, Graduate of 18-19

Liberal Studies taught me what's happening around me ,made me pay more attention to social issues which encourages me to analyze data, express my views and be a critical thinker.


Iffat, graduate of 18-19

What our students learnt in Liberal Studies is indeed applicable to their daily life. Pluralism enables them to cherish cultural differences in our school, and learn to put aside conflicts in favour of harmony.

We have guided students to reflect on various kinds of discrimination and prejudices in Hong Kong, and think of ways we as an ethnic minority community to alleviate the problem.

Hence, with these values our students are very good presenters of their cultures and cultural exchange ambassadors in the annual Multi-Cultural Days and various cultural exchange events with other secondary schools.

Miss Rubina

Studying liberal studies can help you think out of the box and widen your knowledge about global issues. Liberal studies tackles a great number of topics that are surely of interest. It will help you have a better understanding and will help you make informed decisions. In our liberal studies’ lesson, we openly discuss our arguments and express our views on certain issues.

This helps us to see an issue in different perspectives. We also get to know more about our rights and responsibility towards different roles and identities. Moreover, liberal studies will help you to become active citizens.





Kiran, graduate of 18-19

Liberal Studies is one of the most interesting subjects to me. The fact that we can learn about what's going on around us and critically evaluate all the current events makes me feel more independent.

Safa Arfan, S5 student

I like the Liberal Studies subject because it makes me think from different perspectives. I believe that looking at a problem through the eyes of different people widens my knowledge. I also like the fact that I can freely debate and support any side of the issue.

Sania Arfan, Graduate of 19-20

LS education helps to broaden cultural horizons and cultivate critical thinking. Different examples of issues can be taken from around the world of different cultures, practices, religions and systems to expand student’s knowledge and enhance their perspective. Such an inclusive approach encourages pluralism and multiculturalism in the classroom.

LS education helps to equip students to sift through the boundless data and information constantly bombarded through various news, entertainment and social media. It enables students to develop, maintain and/or adjust personal views, values and knowledge of key issues that affect them directly and/or indirectly. The topics covered are broad and ever-changing. The classroom environment, according to students' testimonies is much more dynamic than other lessons. In many ways, LS education prepares students for the real world.

Though I personally dislike the current weighting mechanism of the assessment requirements, I do see the benefits in them in helping students to strengthen their skills as a thinker, and as a writer.

Mr. Raza